开奖公告/明尼苏达/世界杯亚洲预选赛18强赛程/皇家马德里直播 - cba球星排名

Burkina Faso Branch of our company contributes to Burkina refugees

2019-07-01 / 4975

Recently, a large number of refugees flooded into the interior of Burkina Fasos, destitute and homeless, which is because of the deterioration of the security situation along northern border. After knowing the situation, Burkina Faso Branch of our company actively promoted the humanitarian spirit, extended a helping hand and donated 800,000FCFA to the government and people of Burkina Faso.

 At present, the money has been transferred to the Ministry of Women, National Unity, Family and Humanitarian Action in charge of refugee resettlement for the purchase of much-needed living goods for refugees.